Sunday, September 28, 2008

William McBride, great-grandfather to Willard C. McBride

William McBride was born on March 22, 1807 at Greene County, Ohio. In approximately 1835, he married Elizabeth Harris Booram. It is not known when William and Elizabeth joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but on April l6, 1844 (according to a certificate), he was ordained an Elder. In 1846, he was ordained a Seventy. (A record kept by Elizabeth Clark McBride, reveals that Elizabeth and William were sealed to each other in Nauvoo, Illinois, by President Brigham Young.)

William performed work for some of his wife's family in the Temple, probably the Kirtland Temple. With their growing family, William and Elizabeth journeyed to the Salt Lake Valley in Utah with the body of the Saints in 1849. At a call from the Prophet, William served a mission to the Sandwich Islands. After he returned, he served as Bishop in the Santaquin, Utah Ward from 1858 to 1865.

While in Utah, William married a second wife, Janette Cushing, a widow with several boys. A baby girl, Lucretia McBride, was born to William and Lucretia in 1856 in Santaquin. This was a polygamous marriage.

William and Elizabeth had the following children: James Andrew McBride, Susan Elemer, born July 29, 1836; Rebecca Ann, born August 28, 1838, Harrient Ugeniah (who died when young); Elizabeth Deseret, born July 22, 1850 in Salt Lake City, and William Booram, born June 2, 1853, in Salt Lake City. William supported his large family by farming.

In response to a call extended by John Taylor, William, with Elizabeth and his son James Andrew McBride(who had now married Elizabeth Clark and had six children) traveled to the Gila Valley, Arizona to help colonize it. William served for many years as a Patriarch while in Arizona.

Later, William and Elizabeth returned to live with their daughter, Susan, now married to Robert Burton.

This information was taken from the personal history of Willard Carlos McBride.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Almera Wilson Hubbard

Almera Wilson, the daughter of Wellington Paul Wilson and Rebecca McBride, was born on March 28, 1858. The Wilson family lived near Des Moines, Iowa. In the spring of 1864, they joined a company of Latter-day Saints to begin the journey to Utah.

When they reached the Rocky Mountains, a number of the comopany came down with mountain fever. Almera lost two sisters to the fever, who were buried along the way. Her mother's uncle, Thomas McBride, met the Wilson family in Salt Lake City and moved them to Grantsville, Utah, where a number of the McBride relatives had settled the previous year.

While living in Grantsville, Almera met Elisha Freeman Hubbard. Elisha, a widower with four children, was taken with Almera. After a brief courtship, he proposed to her. Elisha took his bride with him when he returned to his home in the Gila Valley of Arizona.

In addition to bearing and caring for ten children, Almera helped her husband run the family farm and a threshing business. She also served as Relief Society President of the Hubbard Ward.

In March of 1911, Elisha went to Sulphur Springs to help his sons dig wells and clear land. He became seriously ill on March 23rd and asked to come home. Son Moore brought him home by team and wagon. Elisha passed away on March 28, 1911.

Almera lived forty-two years after the death of her husband, continuing to serve faithfully in the Church and caring for her familiy. She passed away September 26, 1953 at the age of ninety-five.

Note: Almera Wilson Hubbard was the maternal grandmother of Willard Carlos McBride. The above information was taken from PIONEER TOWN, PIMA CENTENNIAL HISTORY, produced by the Eastern Arizona Museum and Historical Society, Inc.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Elisha Freeman Hubbard

Born to Marshall Moore Hubbard and Caroline Eliza Nickerson on March 5, 1838 in Ogden Township, Lenawee County, Michigan, Elisha Freeman Hubbard was one of the West's earliest pioneers. In the spring of 1861, he, along with a number of other young men, were called to accompany Captain Murdock to the Missouri River and meet a company of converts who were traveling from the British Isles.

In the company of the British Saints was a family by the name of Archibald, originally from Scotland. The father, James Robert, and son, James, had come west sometime before to prepare a home for the family. At this time Elisha met his future wife Agnes Archibald. She was twenty; Elisha was twenty-three. On arriving at Salt Lake City, they were married on September 21, 1861.

In 1861 Elisha was discharged from the service and the family moved to Grantsville, Toole County, Utah.

While living at Grantsville, he owned a sawmill business, with his cousins, the Barrus boys. In 1875, he sold his interest in the sawmill and moved his family to Grouse Creek, Boulder County. There, he went into the sheep business.

Because of the extremely cold weather and poor health of Agnes, Elisha was advised by a doctor to move to a warmer climate. He traded his sheep for teams and wagons and moved the family to Spanish Fork, where they stayed the winter of 1880-1881. In the early spring of 1881, Elisha and Agnes, with their family of four children, left Spanish Fork for St. David, Arizona. They arrived in Arizona May 5, 1881. The Nelson Bybee family, Daniel Kemp (a brother of Mrs. Bybee), and three single men accompanied the Hubbards.

Elisha set up a freighting business, making trips between Benson and Tombstone. On one of these trips, his son, Robert, went along. Robert fell from the wagon and was killed instantly. The shock proved too much for Agnes and, on August 14, 1881, she passed away.

After the death of his beloved wife, Elisha made the trip to Grantsville (Utah) to visit his mother. There, he met and married Almera Wilson, the daughter of Wellington Paul Wilson and Rebecca McBride.

The following summer, Elisha and his son Free (Freeman) went to the Gila Valley to run a thrasher. They then returnred to St. David and moved their families to the Valley, first settling in Pima.

Elisha and Free each bought forty acres of land across the Gila River, three miles from Pima, then homesteaded sixty acres more. Later, the community of Hubbard would be located there.

The next years were full for the Hubbard familiy. They cleared land, made a dam to get water from the river, dug canals, and eventually built a nice home in Hubbard.

Elisha bought a molasses mill, ordered from El Paso. When the mill arrived, the river was up and it had to be boated across. The cane crop was bountiful, enabling the family to make lots of molasses, which was greatly appreciated by their family as well as others throughout the Valley.

Elisha and Almera becaame the parents of a large family, in addition to Elisha's four children from his first marriage. The first ward in Hubbard was organized on January 27, 1900 with Elisha Freeman Hubbard serving as Bishop. (Previously, the community had been organized as a Branch on May 14, 1899.)

The Relief Society had been organized in the Branch by Stake President Andrew C. Kimball. With the organization of the ward, Almera Hubbard was sustained as Relief Society President.

Hubbard Ward was made up of Saints residing in scattered conditions on the north side of the river. It was located about four miles north of Thatcher, three miles east of Bryce, and four miles west of Graham. The Ward had a Relief Society, a Sunday School, a Mutual Improvement Association, and a religion class.

Elisha Freeman and Almera Hubbard served faithfully in the church and raised their family in righteousness.

(The above information was taken from PIOINEER TOWN, PIMA CENTENNIAL HISTORY, printed by the Eastern Arizona Museum and Historical Society Inc. of Graham County, Pima, Arizona, 1979.)